Core Leadership Foundations

The Mindset behind the Skillset.
Empower Your Leadership. Transform Your World.

A practical, hands-on course that will transform you from the inside out
to increase trust, inclusion, engagement, productivity, and retention.

The ultimate toolkit to focus and execute on the right things, communicate and connect more powerfully, improve decision-making and productivity, overcome biases, and embrace and deliver your mission and impact.

Join the next cohort starting on the 5th of October 2024.

I cannot recommend this course enough if you:

1) feel there is something more and you are looking to achieve your full potential, 2) are feeling stuck, 3) are going through profound changes and / or 4) are looking for personal growth.

Mar Doncel, Executive Director at JPMorgan

Who’s This Course For?

We've found that the most motivated and successful people who dedicated themselves to this course fall into one of six categories:

  • A Reflective Achiever

    You’ve accomplished a great deal in your life, yet you sense a             deeper calling and worry that you’re not expanding personally                  or professionally. Core Leadership Foundations is about discovering what’s next, finding clarity and purpose that resonates with your core.

  • A Visionary Leader

    You're a forward-thinking executive who thrives on innovation and growth. By participating in Core Leadership Foundations, you'll refine your leadership style to better inspire and empower your team, encourage groundbreaking ideas, and lead the company into new realms of excellence and innovation.

  • Looking for Empowerment and Resilience

    If you wish to meet life's surprises with equanimity and strength,                at Core Leadership Foundations, you’ll empower yourself with resilience through our transformative practices.
  • Undergoing Change

    Life is steering you through uncharted transitions such as the end/beginning of an important job; our course will empower you to face to overcome challenges and acquire tools for building a happy and giving career.

  • Pursuing Professional Growth

    You're an ambitious manager, eager to enhance your leadership skills, seeking to develop your emotional intelligence and strategic thinking. The Core Leadership Foundations course is a vital step toward a senior leadership role, aiming to significantly impact your company's success and culture.

  • Stuck

    You feel adrift – lacking direction, feeling disconnected from                  your purpose or stuck in unpleasant or unproductive situations.                We provide the compass for inner empowerment, guiding you                     to a path of momentum and renewed direction.

I left the course feeling changed inside. I felt happy. I felt like I could breathe…

The course gives you permission to understand life from an entirely new perspective. A perspective that drives deep into the core of who you really are and who you really want to be. Finding happiness that is derived from gratitude is the premium currency they trade in.

— Matt Cole, Theatre Director and Choreographer

What You Will Experience

Learn the skills that others have implemented to increase their profitability by 23%, decrease turnover by 59%, reduce absenteeism by 41%, and increase ROI 400-800%.  Skills such as how to:

  • Attack Dysfunction

    by building resilience to stress through practices of self-acceptance and gratitude.
  • Reduce Wasted Time and Energy

    by focusing on the present, which is the only time you can make things happen.  
  • Get Unstuck

    by questioning and dispeling the limiting beliefs that hold you and your team back.
  • Collaborate and Build Team Cohesion, Trust and Loyalty

    through dismantling negative biases and focusing on your shared purpose.
  • Build Healthy, Collaborative Relationships

    by leading with curiosity, listening with empathy, and managing expectations.
  • Communicate More Powerfully

    by reframing to more empowering beliefs and narratives.
  • Explode Innovation, Creativity and Impact

    by creating a safe, inclusive environment and employing a growth mindset.
  • Make Better Decisions

    by unlocking your values and connecting them with your company’s mission.
  • Learn and Grow From Your Fears

    by uncovering the wisdom behind them.

I was in a very bad situation, completely lost, and joined the course at the last minute, it was

definitely a great move. All the course was brilliant. I learned how to love myself. I learned where my obstacles came from and how to act to resolve them. I am now fulfilling my dream of owning and running my restaurant in Central London.

— Tomasz Baranski, Executive Chef, Chayote, London

What You Will Learn And Develop
For Your Professional Life

  • Foster a High-Performance Culture Based on Respect and Inclusivity:

    Develop key skills to appreciate and leverage diversity, reduce resentment and friction, and build a hands-on culture of respect and inclusivity.

  • Inspire Growth and Cameraderie:

    Integrate a growth mindset and gratitude into your leadership, uplifting team morale and creating a positive, cooperative work environment where each member feels valued and motivated.

  • Increase Productivity by Embracing Progress:

    Adopt a mindset focused on daily achievements and playing your best game, akin to top sports teams. Learn to lead without blame, complaints, or excuses. This approach fosters a low-stress environment, encourages continuous improvement, and celebrates every step of progress.

  • Create an Action-Based Culture Focused on the Present Moment:

    Guide and unify your team by focusing on present challenges and opportunities.  Foster a culture of action, responsibility and trust.
  • Build a Collaborative & Empathetic Team Culture:

    Shift from a self-centered approach to a collaborative one, fostering open idea sharing, mutual support,and empowerment within your team for better decision-making towards achieving shared objectives and company goals. 

  • Transform Narratives for Positive Team Dynamics:

    Utilize narrative transformation to create cohesive teams, turning potential biases into opportunities for collaboration and effective team dynamics. 

  • Grow Authenticity & Vulnerability in Your Leadership:

    Develop a leadership style rooted in authenticity, vulnerability, and empathy, encouraging a workplace where fears are faced and overcome, allowing for genuine engagement and growth.

“I would highly recommend
the course to any company.”

“We are a better company after the course”

“I learned new tools to handle stress and anxiety, new ways to make progress, new ways to think about problems. I even reframed my past in a more empowering way.”

“We use all the tools in our everyday work activities and in our daily language.”

“I got inspired to make impact on the world”

“After taking this course, I started three businesses”

“The most skeptical participant was the first to ask for more at the end of the course.”

Voices of Transformation

Two years after taking the course, participants tell us they clarified their values and always feel grounded in what they decide; they’ve become people who take action; they’re better with themselves and better leaders; they’ve become less angry, more open to others; and they’ve learned to celebrate what makes them happy.

Join Alumni from These Companies

My self-confidence has gone up, I am happier & feeling more connected with people around me.

This course will provide you with a set of tools that you can continue to use long after the course is over, that you can take with you forever because what they will teach you can not be unlearned.

— Gemma Sanz de la Serna, Professional Coach , Marketing and Operations Specialist

What You Will Learn And Develop For Your Personal Life

  • Master Your Inner Monologue:

    Transform your thoughts and emotions from a source of self-criticism to powerful allies, enhancing personal       well-being and emotional resilience.

  • Cultivate Deep Empathy & Gratitude:

    Develop a deeper understanding and acceptance of diverse perspectives, while deepening your emotional connection with gratitude to foster happiness and enrich personal relationships.

  • Live Fully in the Present:

    Break free from the habit of delaying happiness, learn to cherish each moment, and unleash the full power of your emotional and intellectual resources in the present. 

  • Transform Your Narratives:

    Discover and reshape personal narratives and biases, turning them into empowering stories that foster your growth, improve your interactions, and enhance your outlook on life.
  • Strengthen Community Connections:

    Embrace the sense of belonging and purpose in your daily interactions, finding strength in communal ties, especially during challenging times of loneliness, insecurity or anxiety.

  • Develop Authentic Self-Love & Empathetic Relationships:

    Learn to cultivate a positive self-image and manage expectations in relationships, leading            to more authentic, fulfilling connections.

  • Harness the Wisdom in Your Fears:

    Gain insights into the origins of your fears, learning to transform them into opportunities for personal breakthroughs and empowerment.

It’s an opportunity to really uncover what you really want from your own life!

if you thought that it feels like something missing, or if you’re stressed out a lot, or you just want a deeper connection with a world, with others, or even with yourself than I think that the course is something you ought to check out.

— Casey Brown, Boost Pricing President

The Course Description

The Wise Humanity Core Leadership Foundations Course is a 2-month
transformational journey of personal and professional growth with a weekly rhythm:

  • 2-hour live class through Zoom on weekends where we discuss the theme of the week and practice some tools to apply it in our daily lives.  
  • Throughout the week, you practice one new tool as an experiment in your own life; observe how it works, what changes, etc., and share your findings with the cohort. 
  • Once a week, participants join a small group call: a  1-hour Zoom call with 3-4 other participants to dive deeper into the exercise together.
  • The teachers will be walking side by side and giving you both group and 1-1 coaching support throughout the course.
  • You will receive the Wise Humanity Core Leadership Foundations Playbook, your lifetime reference for the course concepts and tools, at the end of the course.
  • We meet again for a final Q&A session one month after the last module.

You learn to enact immediately!

You make experiences each week that you can never unlearn. We did this journey with a cohort and helped each other with extreme sincerity in a safe environment. After the course I am willing to make impact on the world…

— Anna Croxatto, Marketing & Communication Manager at SMEG France

The Core Leadership Foundations Curriculum

  • In our ever-connected world, we rarely work in isolation.  Whether we are on teams, boards or in our families, we are in constant communication and relationship with other people.  Unbeknownst to many of us, we are also in constant communication within ourselves.  Our thoughts unconsciously affect our emotions, behavior and results, often to our detriment. Learning how to recognize and reframe limiting beliefs is one of the most powerful leadership and life tools one can employ to increase success at work and happiness in life.

    Professional Benefits:

    As a business leader, you’ll develop tools to open your aperture to a more creative and expansive mindset, where you can choose narratives and actions that work better for you and your team. 

    You will also better appreciate differences instead of experiencing the resentment/friction caused by them, and you’ll grow a much greater respect for the opinions, beliefs and personalities of others.

    Other Benefits:

    At this session, you observe your internal monologue and the huge impact it has on your experience of life, you step outside it, learn how to handle it constructively, and you stop being your worst enemy and the victim of your own narrative.

    You also understand where the beliefs and opinions of others really come from, why they can be so different and diverse (even though they have access to the same information and resources as you), and you learn to accept and respect them.

  • Our brains are designed to problem solve rather than appreciate. It's no wonder that stress abounds at work. Stress caused by problems such as dysfunctional communication, misaligned departments, mistrust and lack of a shared purpose impacts our health as much as smoking 5 cigarettes a day.  Yet scores of research show that when we experience positive emotions such as gratitude on a regular basis, we reduce stress, enhance resilience, teamwork, creativity and problem-solving abilities (U Penn, Seligman).   Establishing a simple gratitude practice can reap enormous dividends for your team, your own happiness and other important relationships in your life.

    Professional Benefits:

    How a leader shows up impacts how they treat others and has ripple effects on all their relationships - both professional and personal - and their success.  The attitude of gratitude from a leader has a big impact on their and their team’s resilience by helping them to feel seen, valued and appreciated.

    Boosting resilience will help people deal with stress, anxiety and uncertainty. 

    This produces a positive, safe work culture where people feel motivated to work together to achieve the leader’s and the company’s objectives.

    Other Benefits:

    You often know intellectually that you should be grateful for all the blessings in your life; this week, you learn how to go beyond thinking to feeling gratitude on a deeper level, and how to incorporate a practice of gratitude in your life that can nurture a profound sense of happiness.

    You understand the role that gratitude plays in reinforcing resilience and happiness within yourself. You learn how to focus on the positives of others, and understand how you can spend more time expressing this appreciation to them.

  • Many of us believe that happiness at work is an oxymoron.  We spend at least one third of our lives at work. Unfortunately, two thirds of employees are disengaged and unhappy (Gallup). But it doesn’t have to be this way.

    In both our work and personal lives, we often unconsciously train ourselves to delay our happiness. We think we will be happy one day in the future, when we achieve certain conditions or goals. We are so goal oriented that we treat the present moment as a means to an end, which prevents us from feeling joy and fulfilment along the way. 

    When we focus on the task at hand - on playing our best game rather than winning - we experience greater creativity, productivity, and happiness at work.

    Professional Benefits:

    This mindset is proven to have been prevalent in some of the most successful sports teams – those that focus on playing their best game, and celebrate successes throughout, rather than just focusing on winning and delaying all celebration until that is achieved. Basically, the more you focus on playing your best game instead of on winning, the more you actually end up winning.

    By not being paralyzed by stress and anxiety, leaders and their teams become more effective. By celebrating the team’s successes and progress as they go, leaders create a more positive and motivated work environment. They also learn how to avoid dysfunctional mechanisms like blaming, complaining, finding excuses, etc., and how to create environments without them.

    Other Benefits

    This week, you start to break that self-limiting habit and enjoy the journey of life as it is lived, in the present moment. Have you ever heard someone say “You need to find happiness and fulfillment in yourself”? Well, this is the week you learn what it actually means and how to do it practically.

    You may set goals and objectives at work or in your personal life that you set out to achieve, but these can often actually cause significant stress and anxiety around the prospect of not achieving them. This actually takes your focus away from doing your best to achieve them, and from enjoying and living every moment in the present fully.

    At this session, you learn how to let goals give the overall direction, and then how to actually focus your emotional and intellectual intelligence on completing the tasks at hand. This is about having a clear destination and then focusing on progress as you go, and crucially, practicing the ability to celebrate progress continually along the way.

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging are popular topics in today’s society for good reason.  Diverse and inclusive teams and companies outperform their peers.  They are 35% more productive, make better decisions 87% of the time, and earn 2.5x higher cash flow per employee (LinkedIn).

    Sadly, the structures and stresses of modern life increasingly push us into seeing ourselves as separate individuals who need to compete for survival; “me against the world” can become our default mode and we feel alienated, anxious, unfulfilled and alone.

    But, while we often don’t feel it, we're part of a larger, interconnected system that is bigger than ourselves. Anything that we try to achieve or create depends on others in some way. Decisions need approval, projects need finance, services need consumers, etc.

    Professional Benefits:

    This module is about moving away from the focus of leaders on themselves as individuals and embracing the understanding that we all depend on each other and are part of something bigger than just ourselves.

    For example, a CEO may feel burdened with coming up with the right ideas and making the right decisions each and every time. As a result, their leadership style will be focusing more on themselves than the others around them.

    If a leader focuses more on the “We” instead of just “I”, then they give more space to the others around them to share their own ideas, rather than just creating a space where people can only comment on the ideas presented by the leaders.

    Truly believing that we are all interconnected allows leaders to reduce their need for control and better delegate to and empower members of their team. This also helps to create a better non-blame culture as everybody is working collectively together to achieve a goal.

    Other Benefits:

    At this session, you learn how to harness the power of belonging and practise the concept of creating purpose in every action and situation in your life and every interaction with anyone. This is a very powerful, inspiring tool that helps you live a life fulfilled with meaning each and every day, and particularly helps you at difficult moments of loneliness, pressure and insecurities.

  • In our minds, we tell ourselves stories about ourselves, our lives and the people and situations around us. These powerful narratives drive our choices and experiences of life.  In the vast majority of cases, these stories help us go through life happily, but whenever we feel unhappy, stressed, insecure, powerless or stuck in a situation, it is because our narrative about that situation isn’t serving us well. We blame the situation, over which we have little to no control, not the narrative we are creating about it, which is fully in our control.  At times like these we need to update our mental operations manual to get unstuck, create a new narrative and take action.

    Professional Benefits:

    Since leaders often have to promote their ideas with unwavering confidence, they can get stuck inside their narratives even more easily. In this module, they realise that narratives can be changed, and learn how to create different narratives that work much better for them, their teams and their interactions and relationships with others. This is a powerful skill, for when you change your narrative, you change your life. Leaders who do this well open new opportunities, generate more and better ideas and have happier, more engaged teams and families.

    This module particularly helps leaders who want to create more effective and cohesive teams to learn how to turn possible negative biases about team members into narratives of collaboration.

    Other Benefits:

    In this module, you familiarize yourself with the narratives you hold about yourself and other people, and how they impact your behaviours and interactions with others. Next, you understand whether these narratives are helpful or unhelpful and the role of confirmation bias in reinforcing them.

    You then delve into a significant narrative where you feel stuck and find where it can be unstuck and retold in a more empowering way. And while reality doesn’t necessarily change immediately, your attitude, emotions and the way you handle reality do change immediately.

  • The present is the most important time – the only time when we have the power to make decisions and take action – and being present is a booster of all our activities. Yet, too often we’re held back by some past that we can't let go of, or burdened by the fear or anxiety of a future that still needs to happen... and we miss the present.

    Professional Benefits:

    Leaders can use awareness of the present moment and mindfulness skills to help others not get stuck on past mistakes or in feelings of anxiety related to the future. Instead, they can encourage themselves and their team members to focus on the best action they can take in the present moment, given the knowledge and resources available to them.

    Leaders can transform the culture of responsibility: from guilt for things that didn’t work out as intended to ability to respond in the present, with safety and trust and without blame or accusations.

    Other Benefits:

    This week, you learn about mind wandering (the opposite of being present) and your ideas about time. You experience the power of being present in the present as a booster to any activity and relationship, and you learn how to let go of clinging, control and anxiety, and make all your personal – intellectual, creative, emotional, etc. – resources available into whatever is happening right here right now.

    You disempower feelings like guilt, regret, fear and anxiety. You learn how to reflect on the past, make peace and learn from it, but not linger.

  • In our relationships with others - whether at work or in our personal lives - we often recreate the relationship we have internally with ourselves. This is true on a very deep level, often beyond our daily awareness. A fracture within can mar all our relationships and cause instability and stress throughout our lives.

    Most of us are not even aware that we have a relationship with ourselves.  Think of yourself as an iceberg, with your surface identity on top (what we look like, say, and how we appear to ourselves and the world), and everything else below the water (our feelings, cultural background, biases, etc.).  The part of our iceberg that’s visible is just a tiny fraction of the rest of the ice hidden below the sea.  Most of us aren’t aware of this iceberg, nevermind the hidden contents within it.  Nor do we realize that this iceberg drives our behavior.  When we relate to other people, we think we are relating to their surface identity but most of the time we are bumping up against their iceberg below.  No wonder why relationships get so tricky!  

    Healthy relationships with ourselves and others begin when we accept and see our icebergs for what they are, and address the roots of our issues rather than the symptoms.  With others, we can recognize that there is more than what appears on the surface, and approach tensions or conflict with curiosity and compassion.

    Professional Benefits:

    When you become aware of the feelings, beliefs, expectations and biases that drive your actions and results, you are empowered to accept or change them to achieve the results you seek.  More importantly, when you see and own your iceberg, you are more likely to forge deeper connections and relationships with others.  Leaders who practice self-awareness are more authentic, relatable and inspiring.

    Other Benefits:

    This week, you familiarize yourself with your self-image and learn ways to practice self-love. You also debunk some myths about relationships and review some empowering tools to create and nurture more authentic, constructive relationships.

    This module is also about how you build relationships with other people, how these are influenced by the expectations that you place on these relationships, where these expectations come from and how they influence how you react to situations when they don’t turn out in the way that you were anticipating (e.g., resentment, giving up on people, etc.).

  • We often let circumstances dictate our decisions, sidelining both our personal and professional values in the process. This misalignment not only erodes our personal integrity but also diminishes the value of our company. Surprisingly, many of us operate without a clear understanding of our core values – the essential drivers behind our actions, wellbeing, and decision-making. This module aims to disrupt this status quo, challenging participants to deeply explore and align with their foundational values and find ways to connect those to their company’s.

    Professional Benefits:

    A clearer understanding of key personal values provides leaders with a much more effective framework for decision making.

    This helps leaders navigate complex challenges, confidently stand by their decisions, and enhance team and organizational wellbeing.

    Leaders learn how to master the art of leveraging values for pivotal decisions, ensuring alignment with both personal and corporate ethos. The outcome? A surge in energy, heightened motivation, and superior performance.

    Other Benefits:

    We learn how to empower ourselves and our values as opposed to being led by the circumstances.

    This module frees us from fear and indecisiveness in making choices and taking action by obliterating the whole concept of making a mistake or failing.

    Next, it shows how in every situation, congruence with our values is an empowering, liberating tool for shaping our lives and we can enjoy the benefits, energy and self-confidence that come from it.

    And finally, it offers a transformative journey to identify and clarify our one or two paramount values that truly influence our behaviour and choices.

  • Fears, big and small, are deeply ingrained in our lives. The things we do out of fear! Fear holds us back or even paralyses us, but it doesn't give us more information about the riskiness of the situation; it just tells us a story about our self-limiting beliefs.

    Professional Benefits:

    In this module, leaders learn how to really grow from their fears, which are often the primary obstacle to their becoming authentic, vulnerable, creative, relatable, and empathetic leaders.

    This module shows leaders how to accept fears, allow them, learn from them and finally let them flow and leave. This is a more effective and definite approach than the typical advice of fighting or denying fears.

    As a result, leaders also learn how to create workplaces where people feel safe to admit to, face and outgrow their fears; workplaces of fulfilling engagement.

    Other Benefits:

    This week, you learn and practice powerful tools to understand where your fears come from and what they can teach you so that you truly overcome them (instead of ignoring or suppressing them) and grow beyond your self-imposed obstacles.

This course gave me the tools to overcome some of the darkest moments of my life.

A safe space for people learning to become vulnerable and dig deep while feeling loved and supported. The skills taught are now part of who I am, an arsenal ready to use when I recognise an old pattern re-emerging.

— Daniele di Martino, CEO at Rosso Pomodoro UK & Northern Europe

What Is Unique about This Course?

> Solid, Rational, Practical, Science-Backed Concepts & Tools:

The content of Core Leadership Foundations is based on solid, rational, practical concepts and tools integrating Psychology, Executive & Life Coaching, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Ontological and Gestalt Coaching, Global Humanistic Philosophies, Neuroscience and Physics.       

“The course has given me great clarity. Before taking it, I was extremely confused about what I really wanted in life and how to achieve it. Now I don't really see things any longer in terms of wanting and achieving, I have a much larger picture of who I am, how I function, how life functions.”

— Chiara Nicolini, Rare Book Expert

> A Coherent Journey:

The content of this course is packaged into a coherent journey designed for today’s world and is continuously updated; we make these very profound concepts practical and applicable in your daily life.

“This not only provided insight into a world I never would have imagined, opening doors to an ever-growing understanding of the inner self, but also it introduced me to a network of some of the most wonderful people that I am proud to call dear friends and family today. “

— Mona Sahlabadi, Business Development & Communications Consultant, Luxury Spas

> Change Old Habits and Develop New Behaviors:

This course not only teaches new concepts and techniques, but also helps you change  old habits and develop new behaviors. The teachers walk by your side and support you, both in class and while you practice the new tools in your life.  After the course, change is tangible and long-term.

“In simple terms, this course changes your life. Not because it’s magic but because it gives you permission to understand life from an entirely new perspective that drives deep into the core of who you really are & who you really want to be.”

— Matt Cole, Theatre Director and Choreographer

> One Course That Multiplies Your Learning by 15:

The course is offered in live classes over Zoom, with the teachers engaged in each session. You go through this journey together with a small cohort of participants, typically ten to fifteen. The conversations incorporate  diverse viewpoints and are, at the same time, intimate. Everybody shares their insights and breakthroughs, and you learn from everyone else’s experiences. You take one course and your learning multiplies by fifteen;

“You’ll meet other people who are on a journey of growth and research, and you’ll experience extreme connection with them. It’s incredible to discover that we’re not alone on this journey.”

— Giuseppe Pagnotta, Electronics Division Sustainability, Leonardo

> A LifeLong Community:

After you’ve taken the course, you’re invited to become part of the Wise Humanity Community, which is a lifelong support system. You’ll join people from all over the world who have been on the same journey, and you’ll have access to resources that are continuously updated, local get-togethers and international retreats, and more programs for  further, deeper growth. Taking the course is the beginning of a lifelong personal growth journey.

“The resources for each lesson are great and the Wise Humanity platform is really good compared to other platforms I have used.”

— Manuel Asali, Vice President at NexantECA Training, Public Speaker

I’ve learned how to take good care of myself, how to cherish myself.

Before I started this course, my condition was anxiety, self-pity, regret… After taking this course, I literally feel like I’m walking and every step is so solid. There is a place for me in this world.

— Jing Piao, Consultant at McKinsey & Company


  • The early bird fee for Core Leadership Foundations is USD 2,960 (valid until August 15). The full fee is USD 3,700.

    We believe that the above fees represent the appropriate value of the program for its transformative impact, its length, the depth of the material, the small size of the cohort and the amount of time the coaches spend with the students walking alongside them for over two months.

    At the same time, we're aware that this might make the program inaccessible for some. For this reason, we also offer scholarships to applicants who can’t afford the full fee.

  • The Foundation Course is a journey structured through live classes on Zoom, small-group online meetings, continuous interactions and coaching with the teachers, practical exercises and lots of sharing and supporting on a dedicated platform.

  • The Foundation Course lasts about 9 weeks, plus some pre-work and a Q&A session a month after the last session. We discuss and explore the concepts together in weekly classes, each one followed by specific exercises that bring the new concepts into your life.

  • Participants come from all over the world and from all possible backgrounds: executives and managers, physicians and coaches, academics and college students, performers and entrepreneurs.

  • Yes, we have scholarships for good students who can’t afford the full fee.

  • We are confident that every person who engages fully in the Foundation Course will experience profound insight and transformation. If you feel this expectation is not met, we will refund your fee in full.

  • Upon receipt of your registration, we’ll require a 50% deposit to secure your seat in the next upcoming cohort. This deposit is fully refundable until one month before the beginning of the course.

  • The class commitment is 2 hours for live Zoom classes on weekends. During the week, you practice an exercise, where you apply the concept of the week to your life, and join one small group call. You then write reflections and share them with the other participants.

    The exercises, which normally consist of applying a new mindset to certain situations/actions of your daily life, do not require time per se but can be mentally and emotionally demanding. It's not necessarily about changing what you do but looking at it from a completely new perspective.

  • You can take the course any time, whenever it feels right for you. However, if this Course Description resonates with you and your only concern is time, then we recommend you take the Core Leadership Foundations Course now, not later.

    This course immediately – at every session - gives you tools to be happier, more effective, resilient, and more self-confident; tools to be a better leader, make better decisions, have better relationships, etc. The live classes are on Saturdays and, each Saturday night, you already have new tools and practices that you can apply in your professional and personal life immediately. And this is exactly what the Foundation Course will ask you to do: apply them in your private and professional life immediately.

    Past students took this course at times of extremely high workload (including the CEO of an accounting firm, for example, who took the course right at the end of the fiscal year) and they all report the course helped them enormously from day one to handle whatever difficult situation they were handling at that time.

    This is a liberating course. It will also free you from the anxiety and stress of “I don’t have time. I’m too busy.”

  • Yes, absolutely.

    We welcome colleagues, collaborators and teams to take our courses together. It’s a profoundly bonding experience. In the small group calls and exercises, we will not put the two of you together, but you and the other person need to feel comfortable discussing personal topics together at the conversations in class.

  • First and foremost, the Core Leadership Foundations Course is a practical experience. At the end of it, you have a whole new toolbox for your professional and personal life. You keep using it and become more skillful; concepts sink in; aha moments keep coming and you keep growing. And we’re still here: we, the teachers, and Wise Humanity are still here to support you. Plus, you’ll receive the course playbook – a lifetime companion.

    After the Core Leadership Foundations Course, you’re invited to join the Wise Humanity Community. You have access to resources that are continuously updated such as seminars, webinars, book clubs, get-togethers and retreats, and more courses for further, deeper growth specifically designed for Wise Humanity alumni. Taking the Core Leadership Foundations Course is the beginning of a lifelong personal growth journey.

Final Words From The Coaches

Sandi Smith, Coach

“The quality of your life is determined by the focus of your attention.” Cheri Huber

Wise Humanity helps you focus on what’s important to you and your company and provides tools to ignite action and sustained energy and progress on your objectives. More importantly, it empowers you to forge connections within yourself and others to elevate your impact on your team, company, family and the world.

Davide Pagnotta, CEO and Co-Founder

Wise Humanity is my way to pay forward all the happiness I’ve had in my life, the incredible opportunities and learnings, the practical wisdom tools I’ve learnt and developed, and all the love I’ve received. It’s at the same time the place where all my eclectic past unites and finds meaning, and my way to share it all to help people enhance their whole experience of life, find fulfillment and their own meaning.

The next cohort starts on the 5th of October 2024.
Registrations close in September.