We are Wise Humanity

Wise Humanity is an impact-driven international organization that serves people from all walks of life. We launch and support them on a journey of happiness and fulfilment, inner awareness and a higher level of consciousness. All to build a better future for themselves, their communities, and the planet.


What is Wise Humanity?
Our purpose is to help people keep growing even when they’re already grown-ups, remove the self-limiting beliefs that are keeping them from turning into the best version of themselves and living life fully. It’s a personal transformation journey for people individually and to create a compassionate, global community of human beings who respect each other and the planet.


What is unique about Wise Humanity?
We make very profound spiritual and wisdom concepts practical. We walk by your side and support you while you apply them in your daily life. Our programs are journeys that you go through with others, and because the journey is shared, your learning multiplies. And finally you become part of the Wise Humanity Community where you join people who have been on the same journey, and you have access to further resources, international retreats, and more courses for deeper growth.


What inspired Wise Humanity?

The structure of the Wise Humanity Course as well as many of the exercises are based on the work of Professor Srikumar Rao, and the co-founders met through his course and community of practice. We are deeply grateful to Dr. Rao for his mentorship and generosity. Without him, Wise Humanity would not have been born.

Additional formative sources for Wise Humanity are Matthieu Ricard and Wolf Singer (in their book, Beyond the Self: Conversations between Buddhism and Neuroscience) as well as the teachings of Michael Singer, Adyashanti, Eckhart Tolle and Louise Hay.



We draw on knowledge from around the world and through the ages because we, in the 21st century, are not alone. Our ancestors have passed on an ocean of wisdom through contemplation and questioning, generously sharing what they learned.



These insights and tools are for everyone; because they teach us to find the core of ourselves, which is an essence shared by all of humanity; because the word also reminds us of humaneness; and because these learnings can help humanity live and prosper in peace with each other and the planet.


Our vision

Humanity is living through an extraordinary transition and is more creative, resourceful and capable than ever.

By connecting with our core selves and accessing our deeper capacities, we can create more loving and supportive families. More effective and creative workplaces. And more connectedness and community among friends and neighbours.  

Through authentic learning and transformative practices, Wise Humanity contributes to developing  wisdom, compassion and clarity of purpose.


Our Mission

Wise Humanity is dedicated to helping people unlock their inner resources, break through self-limiting beliefs, and live authentic and fulfilling lives for themselves and society as a whole.

In modern society, we focus on building a career and raising a family, but even as we succeed at these tasks, many of us find that something is missing.

Amidst the inevitable stresses of our days, we yearn to feel more fully alive, to pour more energy and passion into our activities, to open ourselves more to love and beauty, to express ourselves more fully, and connect more deeply with people close to us.

Often we can’t articulate what it is that we are looking for. Questions such as “What’s my purpose in life?” or “How can I fulfil my potential?” or “How happy am I really?” are not easy to bring up with family and friends for exploration, or even with oneself. However, these questions have been explored by humans around the world and throughout history; the accumulated wisdom is available and, despite its diversity sources, remarkably consistent at its core – and confirmed by recent science. 

Wise Humanity combines ancient and modern wisdom and science about how we can live our best lives, and how to grow as an adult. To this end, we offer a step-by-step process to acquire inner tools and activate them in the way we live our lives. 

How do we do that? Through training courses, workshops, individual coaching, and other bespoke services. Wise Humanity is needed now, in a world facing multiple crises, to help raise humanity’s level of fulfilment, awareness, compassion and connectedness.


The material and structure of our courses are rooted in the work of Dr. Srikumar Rao. We are profoundly grateful for his teaching, guidance and support.

I recommend them unhesitatingly – individually and as a pair. Their new venture – Wise Humanity – will undoubtedly transform many lives and I will be cheering them on.

— Srikumar Rao, TED Speaker, author and CEO of The Rao Institute