Let go of self-limiting habits and embrace new empowering practices

We have a catalogue of nine powerful workshops and also offer half-day workshops customized around the client’s objectives, company culture, target audience, availability, etc.

Customized content.

Each half-day workshop is built around one theme that we discuss and expand in depth. We introduce and practice two to three new tools and empowering habits.

Real aha moments.

Insights and aha moments abound at our workshops, often triggering breakthrough mindset changes and profound transformation.

Embracing change.

Typically, attendees will let go of self-limiting habits and embrace new empowering practices that will boost their effectiveness as well as their sense of fulfilment.

Some of our Half-Day Workshops

  • Emotional Hygiene

    Most of us have grown up in a culture that values rationality over emotions. As a consequence, we’ve overlooked emotional intelligence and haven’t paid much attention to developing powerful emotional tools. In this workshop, you’ll find the spiritual and scientific premises to honour your emotions as much as you do your rationality, and to take them seriously and constructively. You'll also discover some powerful emotional intelligence tools and talk about some common dysfunctional coping mechanisms like guilt, blaming others, finding excuses, complaining and worrying.

  • Resilience. No Tricky Labels

    We make judgements about everything all the time: things, situations and people. That’s normal. That’s the way our brain operates. We assign labels and act accordingly. At times, we get stuck in them, particularly in the negative ones (the market is really bad, my colleague is untrustworthy, my partner doesn’t care, etc.), which doesn’t really help us. At this workshop, you'll practice two powerful tools that will enhance your self-awareness, help you pull down unnecessaries barriers keeping you disconnected and distant from other people, will boost your resilience and will help you navigate adversity, unstick yourself and bounce back from bad situations more quickly.

  • Unstick Your Story

    In our minds, we carry stories about ourselves, our lives and the people and situations around us. While these narratives we create and hold onto are mere interpretations and cannot capture the full reality of life, they play a fundamental role because we base our choices and our entire experience of life on them. In the vast majority of cases, these stories help us go through life happily, but whenever we feel unhappy, stressed, insecure, powerless or stuck in a situation, it is because our narrative about that situation isn’t serving us well. However, no matter what circumstances, we can always create a more empowering narrative that unsticks us from those circumstances. At this workshop, each participant delves into a significant stuck story and finds where it can be unstuck and retold in a more empowering way.

    This workshop requires Emotional Intelligence as a prerequisite and is only for participants who are not afraid of opening up with each other.

  • The Power of Belonging

    The structures and stresses of modern life often push us into seeing ourselves as separate individuals who need to fight for survival: me on one side and the world on the other, with everybody's expectations, judgements and demands. This can leave us feeling alone, alienated, anxious and unfulfilled. In this workshop, you'll learn how to embrace the power of being part of something bigger than just yourself and of living a life where every human interaction is filled with meaning and purpose. You'll also discover some revolutionary tools to create radically empathetic relationships with anybody.

    This is a particularly good workshop for managers/business owners who aim to create successful teams.

  • The Power of Now

    We often unconsciously train ourselves to delay our happiness. We are held back by some past that we can't let go of, or burdened by the fear or anxiety of a future that still needs to happen... and we miss the present. We think we will be happy one day in the future when certain conditions or goals are achieved. We treat the present moment as but a means to an end, and thus we create an ingrained habit that prevents us from feeling joy and fulfilment every step of the way. At this workshop, we break that self-limiting habit and enjoy the journey of life as it is lived, in the present moment. The present moment is the only time when we have the power to make decisions and take action. At this workshop, you'll experience the power of being present in the present as a booster to any activity that you're doing, and you'll learn how to let go of clinging, control and anxiety, and make all your personal - intellectual, creative, emotional, etc. - resources available for this very present moment.

  • Self-Love and Relationships

    In our relationships with others - whether at work or in our personal lives - we often recreate the relationship we have internally with ourselves. This is true on a very deep level, often beyond our daily awareness. A fracture within can mark all our relationships and cause instability and stress throughout our lives. At this very personal workshop, you'll familiarise yourself with your self-image and learn ways to practise self-love. We'll also debunk some myths about relationships and review some empowering tools to create and nurture more authentic, constructive relationships.

    This workshop is very personal and some attendees will very likely cry.

  • Values and Choices

    In this session, we learn how to empower ourselves and our values, which are the deepest representation of who we really are, as opposed to being led by the circumstances. We often overestimate the impact (whether positive or negative) that the circumstances may have on us and we delegate too much power to them even up to making choices against our values. However, in every situation, we can enjoy the benefits, energy and self-confidence that come from being congruent with our values. We'll also do a life-changing exercise to help you clarify which one or two fundamental values inspire you most deeply.

  • The Wisdom behind Fear

    Fears, big and small, are deeply ingrained in our lives. The things we do out of fear! Fear holds us back or even paralyses us, but it doesn't give us more information about the riskiness of the situation; it just tells us a story about our self-limiting beliefs. This week, we share powerful tools to understand where our fears come from and what they can teach us so that we truly overcome them (instead of ignoring or suppressing them) and grow beyond our self-imposed obstacles.

  • Bursting the Ego Bubble

    We often equate big egos with strong personalities, leadership and success, but a big ego actually makes us more vulnerable; isolates us; hinders our growth and makes our personal and professional life more miserable. Paradoxically, by letting go of our ego we become stronger, more authentic, fulfilled and open-minded. By changing our paradigm about vulnerability, we nurture better, more genuine relationships with the people around us. This week, we explore how it’s always in our power to decide who we are being, and how that unveils our pure authenticity and liberates us from any self-limiting baggage.