
Wise Humanity’s coaching is a one-to-one journey of three to six months. On top of the typical coaching tools, we also use the Wise Humanity tools and the method of live sessions followed by practical exercises.

Why coaching?

The objective of the coaching journey is for the coachee to achieve a SMART goal or solve a specific problematic situation where they feel stuck, through:

  • identifying what self-limiting beliefs, labels, habits, or fears are keeping the coachee stuck;

  • letting go of them by replacing them with new mental maps (mindsets) that serve the coachee better; and

  • developing more empowering habits that propel the coachee forward.

Impact of one-to-one coaching.

The impact reaches more broadly than just that one situation, though: when the coachee changes and grows in order to overcome a troubling situation, their entire wholeness grows and expands.

Typically, for transformative personal growth, we recommend taking the Wise Humanity Course. For working on one overwhelming situation and/or achieving a specific personal objective, we recommend one-to-one coaching.